beelines - 2013-7-17

everybody's making beelines
nobody wants to get stung
we are all ladder climbers
getting jaded on the rungs
and we're dosing each other poison
to stay happy like the young
before the day is done
before our days are done

you got your bills, you got your thrills
you got your got, got, got-to-get got
you got some pretties to keep you warming
'til you're hot, hot, hot, hot, hot
and all the while you look at ladders
& see failure 'til the top
and until you get up there
you're never gonna stop


one day you might get antsy
seeing a friend up on YOUR perch
you'll sting him to make him weak
like when he was birthed
but you ain't proud of your foibles,
or the plight of being a man
you're too caught up doing nothing,
and not what you can


so go ahead & sting your suitors,
smack your lovers, and snack on defeat
the pain you cause the swollen weak
remind you you're elite

but if you ever have a moment
where your head is well-aligned,
your duty is defined,
your systems are on time,
and your life is apart from mine,
maybe you'll worry less about legwork & the climb
maybe you'll stop lamenting "mine, mine, mine"
may you start loving more of the time
may you start loving more of time
and you will step off the decrepit ladder
and fly

*this is yet another piece written in a cathartic moment; to that end, I now feel barred from editing it